Practice Areas

We're practicing in these areas

Advogado Direito Contratual

Contractual Law

Consumer Law is the widest branch in the contemporary Private Law due to our society’s main characteristic of mass consumption. Basically, all the assets needed for the survival of a human being are acquired…

Advogado Direito Empresarial

Corporate Law

Franceschetto Junqueira helps in the setting up, management and closure of companies, whether they are partnerships and/or joint ventures, as well as the business relationships among these partnerships…

Advogado Direito Informática Internet

Information Technology Law

With its focus on modernity and the prompt updating of our professionals in relation to the new areas of law, Franceschetto Junqueira presents solutions for legal problems related to information technology…

Advogado Direito de Família

Family Law

Our lawyers have the skills needed to offer solutions to all kinds of family problems related to marriages, stable unions, cohabitation, child custody, child legal guardianship, curatorship and interdiction, paternity investigations…

Advogado Direito do Consumidor

Consumer Law

Consumer Law is the widest branch in the contemporary Private Law due to our society’s main characteristic of mass consumption. Basically, all the assets needed for the survival of a human being are acquired through…

Advogado Direito Imobiliário

Real Estate Law

In the Real Estate Law field, our performance is directed to offer legal and out-of-court solutions for the businesses involving estate transactions in contracts, such as: rent, sale and purchase, sale and purchase promises, donations…

Advogado Direito Sucessório

Wills and Estates Law

Inheritance problems upon a person’s death require the most attention from a skillful lawyer for an efficient solution. Franceschetto Junqueira renders law services related to wills and estates – aiming to reach the person entitled, as well…

Advogado Direito Tributário

Tax Law

Tax Law is the center of attention of a society overloaded by constant tax increases. Franceschetto Junqueira offers solutions for individuals, as well as companies, through tax planning services and those involving…

Advogado Direito Contratual

Torts/Civil Liability

Our professionals offer efficient measures in the search for damage recoveries caused to our clients and to defend a client under charge to contest demand charges for damages. Liability studies involve traffic accidents demands…

Practice areas with partneship assistance

Advogado Direito do Trabalho

Labor Law

Labor Law makes up one of the main areas of Corporate Law, because it involves all the relationship between employee and employer, greatly important for the whole business activity. Franceschetto Junqueira presents an…

Advogado Direito Eleitoral

Electoral Law

Election Law constitutes a specific branch of law, which deals with issues related to electoral processes. We offer a complete assistance in Electoral Law for candidates and representatives elected, who need legal solutions…

Advogado Direito Penal

Criminal Law

Criminal Law plays a central role in social relations order. Both in private and professional life, issues involving this field require special attention. Franceschetto Junqueira helps finding efficient solutions in criminal questions through…

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Franceschetto Junqueira Advogados Porto Alegre Florianópolis

Franceschetto Junqueira is an association of lawyers, the result of the union of professionals with a long experience in the law field, aiming to present a new organizational law practice. A dynamic, practical, modern, but also solid, academic…

Porto Alegre / RS

Palhoça / SC

© 2022 Franceschetto Junqueira Lawyers – Porto Alegre/RS – Palhoça/SC

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