
Our team

Porto Alegre / RS

  • Lawyer, practicing in Tax and Corporate Law, under OAB/RS no. 47.749.
  • LL.B. Degree.
  • Specialist in Tax Law from Escola Superior de Estudos Jurídicos do Instituto dos Advogados do RS.
  • Specialist in Public Law from UFRGS.
  • Specialist in Constitutional Law from UFRGS.
  • Specialist in Arbitration from Câmara de Comércio Internacional.
  • Practice Areas: Corporate Law
  • Lawyer, under OAB/RS no. 51.378.
  • LL.B. Degree.
  • Post-graduation in Corporate Law from PUCRS.
  • Specialist in Public Law from UFRGS.
  • Specialist in Constitutional Law from UFRGS.
  • Specialist in Arbitration from Câmara de Comércio Internacional.
  • Specialist in Tax Law from Escola Superior de Estudos Jurídicos do Instituto dos Advogados do RS.
  • Practice Areas: Corporate Law.
  • Lawyer, under OAB/RS no .76.892, OAB/SC 46.773-A e OAB/PR 82.980.
  • Post-graduation in Public Law from IDC.
  • Specialist in Tax Law from Instituto de Estudos Tributários – IET.

Palhoça / SC

  • Tax lawyer (registered in OAB/RS n. 89.468 and OAB/SC n. 38.383-A).
  • Postgraduate in Civil Procedural Law and in Professor’s Training for Higher Legal Education from Universidade Anhanguera/LFG (2014).
  • Specialist in Tax Law from IBET (2017).
  • MBA in Financial Management, Controllership and Auditing from FGV (2019).
  • Former President of the Corporate and Tax Law Commission of the OAB from Palhoça/SC (2018-2021).
  • Secretary General of the Association of Tax Studies of Santa Catarina (ASSET/SC).
  • Director of Tax Affairs of ACIP/SC (2019/2022).
  • He works exclusively with Tax Law (Consultancy and Litigation), an area in which he also researches, gives lectures and publishes academic and technical works.

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Franceschetto Junqueira Advogados Porto Alegre Florianópolis

Franceschetto Junqueira is an association of lawyers, the result of the union of professionals with a long experience in the law field, aiming to present a new organizational law practice. A dynamic, practical, modern, but also solid, academic…

Porto Alegre / RS

Palhoça / SC

© 2022 Franceschetto Junqueira Lawyers – Porto Alegre/RS – Palhoça/SC

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