

Porto Alegre / RS

Tobias da Silva, Nº 120, Salas 305/306, Bairro Moinhos de Vento – CEP: 90570-020, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Phone: 55 (51) 3061-3738

Palhoça / SC

Caetano Silveira de Matos, Nº 2455, Sala 2, Bairro Centro – CEP: 88130-005, Palhoça, Santa Catarina, Brasil.

Phone: 55 (47) 99681-3443

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Franceschetto Junqueira Advogados Porto Alegre Florianópolis

Franceschetto Junqueira is an association of lawyers, the result of the union of professionals with a long experience in the law field, aiming to present a new organizational law practice. A dynamic, practical, modern, but also solid, academic…

Porto Alegre / RS

Palhoça / SC

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